All Christians are in Service

Luke 3:14 Soldiers also asked him, “And we, what shall we do?” And he said to them, “Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, and be content with your wages.”

There is a sense in which new and old Christians wonder what they should be doing for God. Like the crowd, tax collector and soldier from Luke 3, all ask, “What should we do now”? Surprisingly enough the answer is something we don’t expect, which is, go back into the world doing what you’re already doing. The only catch is that we are asked to do those things as if in service to God and others, honestly and with the good of others in mind. This is not the climb the ladder stepping on others along the way model for success, but is instead what is real wisdom, love and community is from Gods point of view. 

This is radical thinking in some modern Christian circles, because our job is usually nothing more than an occupation (that which meerly occupies our time). Occupations are hardly spiritual, unless you work for a church in some capacity, is what most believe. The above challenges us to view a job or position (friend, child, coworker) as a calling of God to just be good at what you do, use the gifts you have, and to do so honestly and lovingly within the context of the life you are already in. This not only elevates all vocations to be a calling of God, but elevates each Christians responsibility to be that Child of God exactly where God has placed you moment by moment. There is no excuse to say, I’m not a pastor, so my work is meaningless or that in the future you plan on missions work each summer, so time in school as a student is somehow less important. We are Gods people 24-7 no matter where we are. 

This does not mean we are preaching at work or witnessing during lunch breaks, but meerly that we would be and do the best we can where God has placed us. Being good friends, workers, students, bosses, parents and children in whatever context of life you are “Currently” in. Be that child of God where you are right now, not just on Sunday when at church. 

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